Passionate Speaker | Inspiring Keynote Speaker

Feeling Lost in Life Motivation

Written by Jody Urquhart | Tue, Feb 22, 2022 @ 05:30 PM

Feel-Good Habit #1-

Individuals with strong beliefs are powerful but when we unite we're even stronger. Collective thought and action propel real change. Groups that line up around the same beliefs are very powerful.


What do you believe? Now find people who feel the same way.

When you are together, focus on continually lining up with shared beliefs and whatever action is necessary will be obvious and will happen easily.

Rely on inspiration not effort.

Feel-Good Habit #2- The Part of you that Want More is the Part of you that is More.

The only reason you want more in life is because you know that you are capable of more than you are living.

In the present moment you can always tap into who you really are, your bliss. Now, everything you want, you already are.

Remember that everything you want to be, you are.

Feel- Good Habit #3- Make Awareness of Yourself More Important Than Knowledge of Anything Else

Nothing is more important than your awareness of yourself. It's because you can only perceive the world through yourself. These quick assessments help you decide what you like and what you will hold yourself apart from.

Your thoughts and feelings are creating your reality more than any other single factor. Be aware of how you feel moment to moment to know what you are including (good feeling) or excluding( not so good feeling) from your life.


Pay attention to what you feel moment to moment to see how your thoughts and feelings have created your current reality.

Feel-Good Habit #4-Most thought is based on assumption and called fact.

Most of what we think is true is not based on the facts; it's based on assumptions.

We fill in the blanks by making things up about experiences or people. There are just too many circumstances and perspectives to know reality.

You can only perceive reality through your perspective, so don't get too attached to your ideals. Your ideals are meant to adapt and change continually.