The ECCC informs canadians about protecting and conserving our natural heritage, and ensuring a clean, safe and sustainable environment for present and future generations.
This hard-working group of scientists works tirelessly to protect our environment. Working with assessments for pipelines, roads, mines, and other construction, they make sure that plans and development are within the scope to protect the environment. This government agency keeps companies accountable.
A project (i.e., oil pipeline, mine, etc.) involves various environmental assessments, many of them taking upwards of 3 or 4 years or more to complete and get approval.
Every project and assessment reports to the National Energy Board and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.
Thus, this group of Environmental Assessment Coordinators work with regulators and scientists( like wildlife, water, and air quality) that help them during this review process.
This review and approval process can be time-consuming, very detail oriented and involve a lot of conflicts.
Ultimately the Environmental Assessment coordinators must work with environmental agencies, experts, and organizations to agree on what is the best approach moving forward with a project.
A review can be stressful- reviewing project applications, sending them to various experts to study, working with different regulatory systems and ultimately getting approvals and bringing a project forward.
Different personalities and objectives often clash, and it's up to the Coordinators to help negotiate and move things forward.
I look forward to being a funny motivational speaker for the Environment and Climate Change Canada, Staff Meeting. I will attend the entire meeting and present the closing motivational speech; This Would be Funny if it Wasn't Happening to Me! How to Navigate the Future with Enthusiasm and Vigor.
We will look at how to influence others and stay resilient in the midst of change, stress and conflict.