Why Women should Attend a Women’s Conference

On March 9, 2017, I was a motivational speaker for the Women in Banking Conference in Macon, Georgia. In partnership with the Community Bankers Association of Georgia, we put together videos to encourage more women to attend. To prepare for the videos, I came up with the below list, why women should attend a women’s conference. networking  First […]

Principles of Integrity

The dictionary definition of Integrity is the state of being whole and undivided. In the real world, Integrity is the courage to meet the demands of reality. While many people have the intention of doing the right thing, often life has other plans. Time crunches, excess workloads, and demands from others may prevent the most well […]

Tips to Get a Serious Friend to Lighten Up

After a lot of cajoling, my serious friend Tyler finally put aside his pocket comb and anti-fungal foot spray to let loose and have fun. A whimsical, carefree attitude is not typical for this careful, structured, risk averse man. I met Tyler years ago when I was a funny motivational speaker for a group of construction contractors […]

4 Types of Energy and How to Manage It

Feeling pulled in every direction? If your energy is depleted, it pays to deepen understanding of the different types of energy you have, so you can gauge where you’ve run low. Know how to manage your energy to build resilience, positive energy and staying power. Fitness motivational speaker, Chalene Johnson, shares 4 types of energy in […]

Why Some People Are Popular and Others Aren’t

Popularity is a quality most people crave. It’s genuinely ingrained in the human condition because we need to feel included. I take a look at this from my perspective as a motivational speaker.  Dr. Mitch Prinstein is the author of Popular: The Power of Likeability in A Status-Obsessed World.  Dr. Prinstein says we all crave approval; it’s how […]

How Much do Motivational Speakers Charge?

How much do Motivational Speakers Charge? I get this question all the time. The fee for motivational speakers can be all over the map, so it’s hard to differentiate. Generally though, someone with less experience as a motivational speaker will charge less. Remember a motivational speaker is different than a trainer or a workshop leader. […]

Forms of Inappropriate Humor in the Workplace

Inappropriate and offensive joke telling is offensive and inappropriate.This is the lowest, unclever and cheapest form of humor around. For something to get a laugh, it has to be unexpected. Generally it is taboo to joke about age, gender or race, so the unexpected inappropriate comment will often get a laugh, if only to deflect […]

How to Deal with Conflict and Cranky People

Let’s face it – some people’s mood swings can gnaw at your sanity. Crankiness is infectious – it can spread through an office as silently and pervasively as a virus. Most people will do anything to escape the cranky person’s subtle harassment and frequent emotional outbursts. Another’s foul mood can become your liability, draining the joy out of […]

The 7 E’s of Leadership

I was recently an inspirational speaker for a hospital leadership retreat. The other inspirational speaker for the hospital leaders, Ralph Burns, unravelled for us 7 key leadership qualities in his motivational speech. Here are the 7 Leadership Qualites: The inspirational speaker ended his motivational speech by compelling hospital leaders to embrace and focus on one or […]

Meeting Planners, Decide on Meeting Room Design

Meeting Planners, Meeting Room Design,Convention, the keynote speaker  (403) 540-4055                Jody@idoinspire.com Home Meet Jody Clients Meeting Planners All Work & No Say Blog Follow Me All Work & No Say Click here to Order! Testimonials “Very important message, everyone needs this reminder” -Susan Hogg, MGMA MN Meeting Planners, Decide on Meeting Room Design […]