How to Write a Service Industry New Hire Orientation Speech

Welcoming new staff members is critical to their success and buy-in to the job.  Filled with anxiety, doubt and have lots of questions, new hires need direction and confidence that they are in the right place. Immediately put them at ease with an engaging motivational speech. The biggest mistake managers make with new hires is they jump […]

Adjust your Humor Style to your Audience

I was a motivational speaker for a large healthcare organization. Just before the speech, several staff members came up to me laughing under their breath suggesting I should poke fun of the CEO because he was passing gas in the coffee room. I asked, don’t you think he would be publicly offended? They unanimously reported that he, along […]

How to Handle Stage Fright

I have been a motivational speaker for over 15 years. One of the most common questions I hear is how do you handle stage fright or the anxiety and nervousness that comes from speaking in public. Nervousness and the fear that comes with it is not a welcome thing for anyone who performs in public. When you experience fear […]

Meeting Planners: How to Fill Up the Front Row

For over 15 years as a motivational speaker, I have observed audiences come early to an event so they can get the best seats in the house- at the back of the room. Obviously, you learn more, can see better and have more interaction from the front of the room. So why do people insist on sitting […]

Why Women Make Better Business Leaders

Career choices for women used to be limited; now women can do pretty much any job that men can. Why then are only 12 of the fortune 500 companies run by women? A compelling video created by the Online MBA, shows how the numbers confirm that women are not making it to the top and yet would […]

The Most Valuable Lesson You Can Teach a Girl

When I picked up my son from school, I stood next to the group of moms who flank the front door of the classroom to surround their kids when they emerge from school. I overheard a little girl run up to her mom crying. Through her sobs, she pointed and claimed a little boy threw sand in […]

Health & Wellness Motivational Speaker Jillian Michaels

Last night I was in the audience as health and wellness guru and motivational speaker Jillian Michaels give her motivational speech Maximize Your Life as part of her tour across North America. The event took place at the Jubilee auditorium in Calgary, Alberta. It was a fun night with my mom and my sister, which started with a fabulous meal at […]

Motivational Speech to Influence Change

As a humorous motivational speaker one of the most requested topics I have evolves around how to get others to change. The challenge is people have to want to change, so you have to give them good reason. Part of the challenge is there is a lot of inertia working against the dynamics of change. It is […]

Motivational Speaker for Department of Human Services Spring Showcase

On April 24 & 25, 2013, I was the motivational speaker for the Department of Human Services Spring Showcase. Over 300 social service eligibility workers from across the state of North Dakota attended this event at the Seven Seas Inn in Mandan North Dakota. Eligibility workers help people in need in their community to apply for assistance. […]

Motivational Speaker Rants about Negative People

Negative people annoy me. If your going to be cranky than it’s your choice but don’t infect everyone around you with your sour disposition. I chose to keep a positive attitude. This isn’t always easy. Some days just plain suck and when i find myself wallowing, it takes work but i struggle to continue to […]