Sample Motivational Speech for Teachers to Kick off the Year!

Summer is in full swing and with fall just around the corner, schools are busy planning back to school professional development events. Every year, school administrators need to find new ways to motivate and inspire teachers. It’s important to start the year with excitement and energy, so below are some thoughts pulled together in a motivational speech that can be borrowed to motivate educators. I am a keynote speaker for over 10 education events per year and I find educators and support staff need inspiration more than ever.

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Below is a basic script( not one of my own motivational speeches) that will build momentum in the school year

Motivational Speech for Educators

As we kick off the new year, many of you come here will new enthusiasm, excitement, and energy. 

Every new year you stand in front of your classroom, and you ask, how am I going to take this group from where they are to where they need to be?

Because every student deserves a great education. However, building people up takes energy, Building people up takes passion and grit. Building people up takes determination.

We’ve heard all of this before, and if you say it long enough, and if you say it with passion- people start to believe it. 

Many days you come to work when you don’t feel like it -but you fake the enthusiasm and muster the energy anyways. Because you won’t let your students down.

Teaching requires passion and joy. We know passion is contagious; Energy is contagious, Ambition is contagious.

We are grateful for the positive motivation you bring to each school year.

The most valuable thing we have is time and attention. If time is the most valuable and precious thing we have, it’s also the most precious thing we can give. Every day you give that to a student, a student that may not get much of anyone’s time or attention.

Today students spend too much time on technology, instead of connecting and building real relationships. 

However, when you talk about a world of instant gratification, there’s a problem with it.

If you grow up in a world where you are instantly gratified to do what you want to do, a lot of things that build success don’t require that.

Now we need to teach students delayed gratification, because If you don’t sacrifice for something you don’t value it.

One of the most important things we bring to the classroom is the work ethic. Are we working harder? Are we getting better?

Let’s teach students to solve problems, instead of looking for opportunities.

This year, let’s bring the energy, passion, and determination back to our school. Students deserve the best education they can get, and we are prepared to give it to them.

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