Why Women should Attend a Women’s Conference

On March 9, 2017, I was a motivational speaker for the Women in Banking Conference in Macon, Georgia. In partnership with the Community Bankers Association of Georgia, we put together videos to encourage more women to attend. To prepare for the videos, I came up with the below list, why women should attend a women’s conference.


First off, the top two reasons anyone attends a conference is for the networking and speakers.

Networking is critical for women. Career opportunities are often very different for women as we also struggle with managing family and the illusive work/ life balancing act. A conference or trade show brings together unique resources and opportunities for women. All in one place discover opportunities, vendors and network with organizations that support women in your field. Organizations that sponsor women’s events are committed to investing in the strength of women. These are obviously great organizations for women to partner with in the future. 

Vendors can also provide hands-on demonstrations of some of the latest technology and tools that can transform your work. 

A conference is an unparalleled opportunity to meet other influential women in your field. One connection often branches out to many, which can open a lot of doors. Women uniquely understand work cultures that resonate with their goals and those that don’t. Seeing real life examples of other professional women in your field can point you in the right direction and save you years of stress.

You will also find affirmation for your personal perspective and support for your struggles. There is nothing like being in a room with like- minded women who all want to better themselves.

Women’s conferences allow you to form new relationships and strengthen existing ones.


Taking yourself out of your usual routine will provide energy and perspective that builds vitality for the future. Targeted professional development opportunities are often hard to come by, and leadership skills for women are not something you can learn by reading manuals. Listening to women’s leadership motivational speakers will help you challenge your perspective, better understand your strengths and weaknesses and focus your passion.

Guest speakers with a uniquely female perspective can ignite candid conversation over the real issues that may hold women back at work. Learn about industry news and challenges as well as new technology and updates.

Invest in yourself and walk away from a conference with skills that will instantly make you more effective at work.

Have Fun

As the saying goes, people who play together stay together. When we get together with our colleagues in a fun and engaging environment, we create connections we could not create otherwise.

Statistics say that people laugh ( and learn) a lot more when they are in different environments and around new people. 

At the Women in Banking Conference in Georgia, we had a lot of fun!

I encourage you to invest in your future and join us for the Georgia Women in Banking Conference in Macon, Georgia.

This blog was updated on December 28th, 2018.

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