On April 9, 2016, I am a motivational speaker for the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Conference. The event, held at the Edmonton Marriott River Cree will attract over 400 Radiological Technologists, Radiation Therapists, Nuclear Medicine and Magnetic Resonance Technologists.
The college regulates diagnostic and therapeutic technologists in Alberta. Most technologist work in hospital environments and private clinics.
Over 70 Sonographers or ultrasound technologists will be attending the event. This specialty group has been waiting to be put under the health professions act. To this point, Sonographers have been missed and had no regulatory body. To raise their profile and help protect the public, this move is critical, and is in the works.
Technologists play a very important and impactful role in our overall healthcare system. Results of their scans and tests, help inform and direct patient care plans. Overall, helping and supporting patients is the reason these healthcare professionals chose this line of work.
Working in healthcare environments can be fast paced and stressful. Alberta Health Services has embraced LEAN management which supports the idea of improved efficiency. Usually, this translates to doing more work with fewer resources.
Working with patients in acute care can be especially challenging as their health is more compromised. Staying upbeat and a positive influence when people are sick can be draining and healthcare professionals must always look for ways to stay resilient.
Change the industry has been evolving towards over the last 15 years is called Hybrid Imaging. This means many of the machines now have multiple functions. For instance, a CT Scanner can also do MRI Scans. Thus, technologists must be trained to operate both.
From a patients perspective, anyone who has ever had to endure a mammogram, knows the best position for the perfect scan can also be the most awkward and uncomfortable.
I am looking forward to being the closing funny motivational speaker for the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Conference. I will present the motivational speech, The Nerve to Serve... Say Hello to Humor & Goodbye to Burnout!