
Motivational Speakers Who Have Died Leaving A Lasting Legacy

Death is a morbid topic. However, eventually, it's a fact of life. Most people ...

How to Write a Motivational Speech using Rhetorical Devices

If you are planning a speech, and want to persuade others, it helps to brush up ...

How to Write a Call for Speakers

It's that time a year again, where I typically fill out a lot of Call for ...

Are you a Reader or a Listener?

Leadership keynote speaker, Peter Druker in his book, Managing Oneself, asserts ...

Inspirational Speaker Poem: Picking Up the Pieces

This month, several family and friends have been hit by divorce and job ...

Motivational Speeches about Understanding the Upside of Down

Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment." -- ...

Sample Agenda for a New Team Kick off Meeting

As the saying goes, you only get one chance to make a first impression. When ...

How to Introduce an Inspirational Speaker

I was a female keynote speaker for an HR conference last year, where I had the ...

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Jody is a motivational speaker who is passionate about inspiring workplace enthusiasm

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